Tuesday, January 31, 2012


photo by A.D.Davis

If you were to cut a living human body up into a million pieces and then have the greatest doctors in the world reassemble them perfectly the body would still lay lifeless on the table...what is missing? LIFE, Innate intelligence, the universal energy!...the indescribable force that unites and organizes all matter! Therefore, we can reason that, the most important aspect of wellness is the presence and efficiency of that energy. The most powerful element of wellness is allowing the power that made the body to heal the body. This is more powerful than any scalpel or pill

Adaptation is a crucial element to this process and there will come a day when the body can no longer adapt to internal/external forces and will succombe to dysfunction through interferences (subluxations "vertebra moving out of alignment")...the next logical step is removing the interferences through the safest, most effective, and as non-invasive means as possible...Through Chiropractic. Chiropractic the manual adjustment of subluxations to remove interference from the Central Nervous System ( the system that controls every aspect of your body), thus correcting the cause of most health problems.  Simply put, removing interference from the system will allow it to function as best it can based on the existing matter.  Address the cause and the symptoms will resolve! That is lasting wellness!

Chiropractic is the path to true health and should be shared with everyone, please help me do that!

For more information and to set up an appointment please click the link below and check out our new website:

Life Chiropractic

Love and Appreciate you!

-Dr. Austin Davis

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